Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Transfer 17 Week 1 December 14 2015

Well my last transfer has officially started, and i have already finished the first week! super crazy! On tuesday i went to the mission offices in the morning. They fed us breakfast there and then we had a few meetings before they told us who our companions were going to be. My trainee is super cool! his name is Elder Norton. He is from South Jordan, Utah and he is 18 years old. I would send pictures, but i dont have a way to send them, so you will have to wait until next week. So my new companion is really cool, we have been getting along really well. He is brand new, so he doesnt really speak spanish, but he is learning little by little every day.

I remember when i had just gotten to the mission i felt like the time went by really slowly. I was hoping that that would happen again as a trainer, but sadly the time is going by even faster than the last couple of transfers. I am not sure if i am going to be ready to leave in 5 weeks! But i guess i have to be, right?

We had a really successfull week this week. It was really cool. Probably the best part of the week was on Saturday. We went to visit an investigator named Blanca. We got there, and her entire family was there! We taught the Restoration to all of them! there was a total of 8 people there listening to us! It was a really cool and very spiritual lesson. They seemed to be really excited about the lesson and they all said that they wanted to go to church with us yesterday! But unfortunately they weren´t able to because yesterday we watched the dedication of the Tijuana Mexico Temple. So we had to emplain to them how the temple is a very sacred place and in order to watch the dedication we have to prepare ourselves by being baptized, confirmed, and by obeying the commandments of God. They seemed to understand really well, and they agreed to go to church with us this coming sunday.

My companion tried doing his first contact this week! It was a little funny. He tried to knock a door, and when the person opened the door he litterally just closed the door in his face! It was kind of funny, because that almost never happens here, and it was just super unlucky to have that happen your first time! But it was okay, because my companion is a super good sport. So he is fine. 

So ya i am doing great!
Elder Earl

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